Emphasizing kidney health globally to prevent and manage kidney disease and related health issues.

Emphasizing kidney health globally to prevent and manage kidney disease and related health issues.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) impacts 850 million people globally, and resulted in over 3.1 million deaths in 2019. Presently, It’s the eighth leading cause of death, and if left unaddressed, it is projected to be the fifth leading cause of years of life lost by 2040.
Your kidneys:
1. Make urine
2. Remove waste products and extra fluid from your blood
3. Control your body’s chemical balance
4. Help control your blood pressure
5. Help keep your bones healthy
6. Help you make red blood cells
Golden rules for kidney disease prevention & early detection:
1. Be fit, keep active
2. Follow a healthy diet
3. Check and control your blood sugar and blood pressure
4. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption
5. Don’t take over the counter anti-inflammatory/painkiller drugs regularly
Take care of your kidneys!

Get in touch :
đź“ŤMediclinic Welcare Hospital, 2nd Street, Al Garhoud, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
đź“ž 800 1999
📧 info@amrithrao.com

#urology #UrologyCare #WorldKidneyDay #KidneyHealth #CKDAwareness #PreventKidneyDisease #HealthyLifestyle #BloodPressureControl #DiabetesManagement #HealthyDiet #ActiveLiving #NoSmoking #LimitAlcohol #PainkillerSafety #HealthyKidneys #RenalHealth #BeatCKD

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